001 Best Presented ASP/APPA Exhibit All Ponies Under 14hh |
001a Ponies under 10hh |
002 Yearling Colt (including foals over 6mths old) |
003 Colt 2-3 years |
004 Stallion 4years and over |
004a Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit –Sash |
004c Reserve Champion Stallion/ Colt – Sash |
005 Yearling Gelding (including foals over 6 months old) |
006 Gelding 2-3 years |
007 Gelding 4 years and over |
007a Champion Gelding Exhibit –Sash |
007b Reserve Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash |
008 Yearling Filly (including foals over 6 months old) |
009 Filly 2-3 years |
010 Mare 4 years and over |
010a Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash |
010b Reserve Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash |
010c Solid ASP/APPA (not eligible for Supreme) |
011 Filly 3 years and under |
012 Mare 4 years and over |
013 Gelding any age |
013a Champion ASP/APPA Solid Exhibit –Sash |
013b Reserve Champion Solid ASP/APPA Exhibit – Sash |
013c Ponies 10 hh to under 14 hh |
014 Yearling Colt (including foals over 6mths old) |
015 Colt 2-3 years |
016 Stallion 4years and over |
016a Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit –Sash |
016b Reserve Champion Stallion/ Colt – Sash |
017 Yearling Gelding (including foals over 6 months old) |
018 Gelding 2-3 years |
019 Gelding 4 years and over |
019a Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash |
019b Reserve Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash |
020 Yearling Filly (including foals over 6 months old) |
021 Filly 2-3 years |
022 Mare 4 years and over |
022a Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash |
022b Reserve Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash |
022c Solid ASP/APPA (not eligible for Supreme) |
023 Filly 3 years and under |
024 Mare 4 years and over |
025 Gelding any age |
025a Champion ASP/APPA Solid Exhibit – Sash |
025b Reserve Champion Solid ASP/APPA Exhibit – Sash |
025c SUPREME ASP /APPA EXHIBIT (taken from all champion winners EXCLUDING solid classes) Special Trophy, Sash, Garland |
026 Best Presented Exhibit – Garland |
027 Yearling Colt (including foals over 6 months old) |
028 Colt 2-3 years |
029 Stallion 4 years and over |
029a Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit – Sash |
029b Reserve Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit - Sash |
030 Yearling Gelding (including foals over 6 months old) |
031 Gelding 2-3 years |
032 Gelding 4 years and over |
032a Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash |
032b Reserve Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash |
033 Yearling Filly (including foals over 6 months old) |
034 Filly 2-3 years |
035 Mare 3 years and over |
035a Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash |
035b Reserve Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash |
035c Solid Appaloosa (Not eligible for Supreme Exhibit) |
036 Filly 3 years and under |
037 Mare 4 years and over |
038 Gelding any age |
038a Champion Solid Appaloosa Exhibit – Sash |
038b Reserve Champion Solid Appaloosa Exhibit – Sash |
038c SUPREME APPALOOSA (taken from all champion winners EXCLUDING solid classes). Special Trophy, Sash, Garland |
038d SUPREME OVERALL APPALOOSA & AUSTRALIAN SPOTTED PONY EXHIBIT (taken from supreme ASP/APPA and supreme Appaloosa winners) |
038e Special Trophy, Garland, Trophy Rug |
038f Combined Colour Classes(horses and ponies combined) |
039 Best Leopard – Reg Wooster Memorial Mug and Garland |
040 Best Blanket – Garland |
041 Best Any Other Pattern -Garland |
042 Get of Sire (2 exhibits) |
043 Get of Dam (2 exhibits) |
044 Exhibitors Group of Two (must be owned by the same person) |
044a Quarter Horse – Halter |
045 Stallion/Colt |
046 Mare/Filly |
047 Gelding Any Age |
047a Champion Exhibit – Sash |
047b Reserve Champion Exhibit - Sash |
047c Paint – Halter |
048 Stallion/Colt |
049 Mare/Filly |
050 Gelding Any Age |
050a Champion Exhibit – Sash and Garland |
050b Reserve Champion Exhibit – Sash |
050c Paint Bred – Halter |
051 Stallion/Colt |
052 Mare/Filly |
053 Gelding Any Age |
053a Champion Exhibit – Sash and Garland |
053b Reserve Champion Exhibit– Sash |
053c –45-minute break for lunch begins– |
055a –45-minute break for lunch ends– |
056 Costume |
057 Youth Showmanship 11 years and under |
058 Youth Showmanship 12 years to under 18 years |
059 Amateur Showmanship |
060 Novice Handler Showmanship |
061 Open Showmanship |
062 Open ALL BREEDS Showmanship |
062a Hunter in Hand |
062b Youth Hunter in Hand |
063 Horse |
064 Pony |
064a Adult hunter in Hand |
065 Horse |
066 Pony |
066a LED TRAIL (open to horse and pony) |
067 Youth led trail 11 years and under |
068 Youth led trail 12 years to under 18 years |
064 Novice Handler Led Trail |
065 Open led trail |
066 Open ALL BREEDS Led Trail |
066a Harness Driving Events |
067 Youth Harness |
068 Pleasure Driving (Open) |
069 Harness Obstacle |
069a Champion Harness Exhibit – Anne Grice Memorial Sash, garland |
069b Reserve Champion Harness Exhibit – Sash |
069d WESTERN PERFORMANCE SECTION (Classes may be combined if insufficient entries) |
069d LEAD LINE (horse or pony) |
070 Lead line 2-5 years – Led by adult |
071 Lead line 6-9 years – Led by adult |
071a Beginner Youth Walk/Jog |
072 Leadline 10-16 years - Led by adult |
072a Youth Walk/Jog |
073 Horse |
074 Pony |
074a Novice Rider Walk/Jog |
075 Horse |
076 Pony |
076a Amateur Walk/Jog |
077 Horse |
078 Pony |
078a Open Walk/Jog |
079 Horse |
080 Pony |
081 ALL BREEDS Walk/jog |
081a Youth Western Pleasure |
082 Horse |
083 Pony |
083a Novice Rider Western Pleasure |
084 Horse |
085 Pony |
085a Amateur Western Pleasure |
086 Horse |
087 Pony |
087a Open Western Pleasure |
088 Horse |
089 Pony |
090 ALL BREEDS Western pleasure |
090a Ranch Riding |
091 Horse |
092 Pony |
093 Amateur Ranch Riding |
094 ALL BREEDS Ranch Riding |
094b Youth Ridden Led Trail |
095 Lead Line 10-16 Years - Led by adult |
095b Youth ridden trail |
096 Horse |
097 Pony |
097a Novice Rider Ridden Trail |
098 Horse |
099 Pony |
099a Amateur Ridden Trail |
100 Horse |
101 Pony |
101a Open Ridden Trail |
102 Horse |
103 Pony |
104 ALL BREEDS Ridden Trail |
104a - 20 Minute break for gear change - |
104c Beginner Youth Walk/Trot |
105 Lead Line 10-16 Years - Led by adult |
105c Youth hunter Under Saddle |
106 Horse |
107 Pony |
107a Novice Rider Hunter Under Saddle |
108 Horse |
109 Pony |
109a Amateur Hunter Under Saddle |
110 Horse |
111 Pony |
111a Open Hunter Under Saddle |
112 Horse |
113 Pony |
114 ALL BREEDS Hunter Under Saddle |
114a Amateur Owner English Equitation |
115 Amateur Owner English Equitation |