Name Sheet Type
001 Best Presented ASP/APPA Exhibit All Ponies Under 14hh
001a Ponies under 10hh
002 Yearling Colt (including foals over 6mths old)
003 Colt 2-3 years
004 Stallion 4years and over
004a Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit –Sash
004c Reserve Champion Stallion/ Colt – Sash
005 Yearling Gelding (including foals over 6 months old)
006 Gelding 2-3 years
007 Gelding 4 years and over
007a Champion Gelding Exhibit –Sash
007b Reserve Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash
008 Yearling Filly (including foals over 6 months old)
009 Filly 2-3 years
010 Mare 4 years and over
010a Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash
010b Reserve Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash
010c Solid ASP/APPA (not eligible for Supreme)
011 Filly 3 years and under
012 Mare 4 years and over
013 Gelding any age
013a Champion ASP/APPA Solid Exhibit –Sash
013b Reserve Champion Solid ASP/APPA Exhibit – Sash
013c Ponies 10 hh to under 14 hh
014 Yearling Colt (including foals over 6mths old)
015 Colt 2-3 years
016 Stallion 4years and over
016a Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit –Sash
016b Reserve Champion Stallion/ Colt – Sash
017 Yearling Gelding (including foals over 6 months old)
018 Gelding 2-3 years
019 Gelding 4 years and over
019a Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash
019b Reserve Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash
020 Yearling Filly (including foals over 6 months old)
021 Filly 2-3 years
022 Mare 4 years and over
022a Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash
022b Reserve Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash
022c Solid ASP/APPA (not eligible for Supreme)
023 Filly 3 years and under
024 Mare 4 years and over
025 Gelding any age
025a Champion ASP/APPA Solid Exhibit – Sash
025b Reserve Champion Solid ASP/APPA Exhibit – Sash
025c SUPREME ASP /APPA EXHIBIT (taken from all champion winners EXCLUDING solid classes) Special Trophy, Sash, Garland
026 Best Presented Exhibit – Garland
027 Yearling Colt (including foals over 6 months old)
028 Colt 2-3 years
029 Stallion 4 years and over
029a Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit – Sash
029b Reserve Champion Stallion/Colt Exhibit - Sash
030 Yearling Gelding (including foals over 6 months old)
031 Gelding 2-3 years
032 Gelding 4 years and over
032a Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash
032b Reserve Champion Gelding Exhibit – Sash
033 Yearling Filly (including foals over 6 months old)
034 Filly 2-3 years
035 Mare 3 years and over
035a Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash
035b Reserve Champion Mare/Filly Exhibit – Sash
035c Solid Appaloosa (Not eligible for Supreme Exhibit)
036 Filly 3 years and under
037 Mare 4 years and over
038 Gelding any age
038a Champion Solid Appaloosa Exhibit – Sash
038b Reserve Champion Solid Appaloosa Exhibit – Sash
038c SUPREME APPALOOSA (taken from all champion winners EXCLUDING solid classes). Special Trophy, Sash, Garland
038d SUPREME OVERALL APPALOOSA & AUSTRALIAN SPOTTED PONY EXHIBIT (taken from supreme ASP/APPA and supreme Appaloosa winners)
038e Special Trophy, Garland, Trophy Rug
038f Combined Colour Classes(horses and ponies combined)
039 Best Leopard – Reg Wooster Memorial Mug and Garland
040 Best Blanket – Garland
041 Best Any Other Pattern -Garland
042 Get of Sire (2 exhibits)
043 Get of Dam (2 exhibits)
044 Exhibitors Group of Two (must be owned by the same person)
044a Quarter Horse – Halter
045 Stallion/Colt
046 Mare/Filly
047 Gelding Any Age
047a Champion Exhibit – Sash
047b Reserve Champion Exhibit - Sash
047c Paint – Halter
048 Stallion/Colt
049 Mare/Filly
050 Gelding Any Age
050a Champion Exhibit – Sash and Garland
050b Reserve Champion Exhibit – Sash
050c Paint Bred – Halter
051 Stallion/Colt
052 Mare/Filly
053 Gelding Any Age
053a Champion Exhibit – Sash and Garland
053b Reserve Champion Exhibit– Sash
053c –45-minute break for lunch begins–
055a –45-minute break for lunch ends–
056 Costume
057 Youth Showmanship 11 years and under
058 Youth Showmanship 12 years to under 18 years
059 Amateur Showmanship
060 Novice Handler Showmanship
061 Open Showmanship
062 Open ALL BREEDS Showmanship
062a Hunter in Hand
062b Youth Hunter in Hand
063 Horse
064 Pony
064a Adult hunter in Hand
065 Horse
066 Pony
066a LED TRAIL (open to horse and pony)
067 Youth led trail 11 years and under
068 Youth led trail 12 years to under 18 years
064 Novice Handler Led Trail
065 Open led trail
066 Open ALL BREEDS Led Trail
066a Harness Driving Events
067 Youth Harness
068 Pleasure Driving (Open)
069 Harness Obstacle
069a Champion Harness Exhibit – Anne Grice Memorial Sash, garland
069b Reserve Champion Harness Exhibit – Sash
069d WESTERN PERFORMANCE SECTION (Classes may be combined if insufficient entries)
069d LEAD LINE (horse or pony)
070 Lead line 2-5 years – Led by adult
071 Lead line 6-9 years – Led by adult
071a Beginner Youth Walk/Jog
072 Leadline 10-16 years - Led by adult
072a Youth Walk/Jog
073 Horse
074 Pony
074a Novice Rider Walk/Jog
075 Horse
076 Pony
076a Amateur Walk/Jog
077 Horse
078 Pony
078a Open Walk/Jog
079 Horse
080 Pony
081 ALL BREEDS Walk/jog
081a Youth Western Pleasure
082 Horse
083 Pony
083a Novice Rider Western Pleasure
084 Horse
085 Pony
085a Amateur Western Pleasure
086 Horse
087 Pony
087a Open Western Pleasure
088 Horse
089 Pony
090 ALL BREEDS Western pleasure
090a Ranch Riding
091 Horse
092 Pony
093 Amateur Ranch Riding
094 ALL BREEDS Ranch Riding
094b Youth Ridden Led Trail
095 Lead Line 10-16 Years - Led by adult
095b Youth ridden trail
096 Horse
097 Pony
097a Novice Rider Ridden Trail
098 Horse
099 Pony
099a Amateur Ridden Trail
100 Horse
101 Pony
101a Open Ridden Trail
102 Horse
103 Pony
104 ALL BREEDS Ridden Trail
104a - 20 Minute break for gear change -
104c Beginner Youth Walk/Trot
105 Lead Line 10-16 Years - Led by adult
105c Youth hunter Under Saddle
106 Horse
107 Pony
107a Novice Rider Hunter Under Saddle
108 Horse
109 Pony
109a Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
110 Horse
111 Pony
111a Open Hunter Under Saddle
112 Horse
113 Pony
114 ALL BREEDS Hunter Under Saddle
114a Amateur Owner English Equitation
115 Amateur Owner English Equitation